Spotlight: Dynamics Anywhere Mobile Business Solutions
I wanted to take the time today, with all the great things that are going on with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, and do a spotlight on a company called Dynamics Anywhere. You have seen me talk about them before, in interviews with one of their executive Joop, here: Interview with DynamicsAnywhere Executives
Well they are really taking off, and I've had the chance to actually work on an implementation of the Dynamics Anywhere Framework, including the AX Anywhere functional value added solution, built with their own framework.
This is a great solution, that offers multiple platform support, through the use of HTML delivered front ends. All the code development is done within AX itself, therefore nothing outside of AX is needed, beyond their framework to enable a company to quickly start using mobile business application needs.
Some highlights:
In just over 1 year Dynamics Anywhere achieved:
• CfMD for AX Anywhere Framework for mobile business solutions
• Silver ERP & ISV status
• More than 40 partners in 19 countries
• Almost 50 customers
• Presidents Club Member
• Nearly 5 million USD influenced revenue in FY11
I highly recommend you check this company, which is now a sponsor of this site, out.:
There solution is CFMD, or Certified For Microsoft Dynamics, which you can read more about that from the following.: DYNAMICS ANYWHERE ACHIEVES “CERTIFIED FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS” STATUS FOR THEIR MOBILE SOLUTION
From the release:
"“All important analysts agree that mobility now is a top priority for customers and it is one of the areas that yield a very high return on investment. Cost reduction, productivity and additional revenue are drivers for customers to invest in mobile business solutions. Because of our unique concept, it is very easy for any Microsoft Dynamics partner and customer to include mobile solutions and capitalize on their investment in Microsoft Dynamics, ”said Joop van Voorthuijsen, co-founder and vice president, Dynamics Anywhere
“This milestone demonstrates Dynamics Anywhere’s commitment to delivering leading solutions and expertise for our customers,” said Doug Kennedy, vice president, Microsoft Dynamics Partners. “We congratulate Dynamics Anywhere for meeting Microsoft’s highest standards of software quality and earning the CFMD distinction.”"
Well that's all for now, check back soon though as a whole lot more to come. Till next time!

Labels: DAW, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 2012, DynamicsAnywhere, HTML, Microsoft, Mobile Business Solutions, Sponsor, Spotlight
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