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Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunrise Technologies achieves TEC Product Certification for their Apparel and Footwear Template for Microsoft Dynamics™ AX

Well I have some really exciting news to talk about this morning. What may this be you ask? Well, the amazing Microsoft VAR I'm a part of, Sunrise Technologies, Inc. has just achieved TEC Product Certification for our Apparel and Footwear Template for Microsoft Dynamics AX.

You can read more about the press release here: Sunrise Technologies achieves TEC Product Certification for their Apparel and Footwear Template for Microsoft Dynamics™ AX

From the press release:
"Sunrise Technologies is pleased to announce that their Apparel and Footwear Template for Microsoft Dynamics AX has been certified by Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC). This TEC certification allows for online evaluation of fashion solutions in the enterprise resource management (ERP) Evaluation Center where users are able to compare and evaluate functionality based on TEC’s comprehensive model for fashion software. The Sunrise Technologies Apparel and Footwear template is the first fashion solution to be certified by TEC."

This is a great achievement and helps set us apart from any other solution, focused for Microsoft Dynamics, for the Apparel & Footwear verticals. I'm very proud to be apart of this wonderful VAR, and to find out more, please check us out: www.SunriseConsult.com. Also, if your interested in joining us, check out the following post, as we are hiring: Sunrise Technologies Wants You!

That's all for now, but check back soon as a whole lot more Dynamics Ecosystem coverage is on its way. Till Next time!

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