AX 2012 - CU2 has been released
I wanted to update everyone that Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 - CU2 has been released. You can get to the download from the following location: Cumulative Update 2 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
In this update several fixes are included, and the release schedule for AX 2012 is very impressive from Microsoft for updating issues. The new build number, after Cu2 is applied should be: 6.0.947.280.
There are a lot of fixes around workflow, financial dimensions, EP Time sheets, etc. etc. It's important that everyone update to this latest CU2, to help address any issues, and before contacting MS Support for new issues.
Keep in mind, that these Cumulative Updates, can be SlipStreamed for fast deployment. To find out exactly how to do this action, you can use the following post: AX 2012 - Slipstreaming a Cumulative update
That's all for now, check back soon as more to come! Till next time!
Update: Interesting fact here, if you have for example an AOS server that does not have the 32-bit client installed on it, you can not proceed with the CU2 update. So you must have the AX 2012 client installed before the axupdate.exe from CU2 will progress. Interesting point I thought everyone would like to know.

Labels: AX 2012, CU2, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 2012, Hotfix, Microsoft, Roll Up 2 for Ax 2012
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