Axapta 3.0 Business Connector (COM+)
Let me count the ways, how I lothe the - flaky Axapta Business Connector! Of course it's not that bad, but it is very, very picky - when it comes to setting it up, espically around the identity set for the COM+ objects.

When setting up or changing the Business Connector settings, you have to make sure that the user name set for the identity of the COM+ objects are set to someone whom has a configuration that you are trying to use in your code:
Let me count the ways, how I lothe the - flaky Axapta Business Connector! Of course it's not that bad, but it is very, very picky - when it comes to setting it up, espically around the identity set for the COM+ objects.

When setting up or changing the Business Connector settings, you have to make sure that the user name set for the identity of the COM+ objects are set to someone whom has a configuration that you are trying to use in your code:
If you set the indentity of the COM+ objects to say the local admin, and no configurations were ever setup under that user name, then you would get a similar error like the following:
AxaptaCOMConnector.Axapta.1 - The configuration 'COM' could not be found.Use the
Navision Axapta Configuration Utility to verify the configuration. Please
restart the Axapta Business Connector before logging on.
So if you experince some frustration with the Business Connector just keep in mind the indentity that you have selected to use. Also in 4.0 Microsoft has changed the way this works, which is suppose to make using and connecting to Axapta so much more easier. Stay tuned for further tips, and tricks with Axapta, err, Dynamics AX I mean!
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Well we are using the COM connector on a Win2003 R2 SP1 server but after 5 minutes of inactivity the COM Connector stops (in event viewer appears a message that is has stopped but under Component Services it is still running ...
So we are having problems with the com connector because after 5 minutes it stops running !!
Í have reported it by Microsoft but still haven't found a solution. This error does not occur under Windows 2000 Server !
Hope you can help me,
Kind regards, Jurgen
P.s. The Advanced TabPage : Setting idle time-out is set to 30 minuten !
PLEASE HELP me if you have a solution I'm having the same problem and I already waisted 2day.
The issue is now resolved in order for Com Connector to work in Axapta 4.0 you must have EnterPrise Portal License.
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