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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Helpful Purchase Order and Sales order info

When working with a client, and doing data imports of their data into the new Ax instance you might have to bring in open purchase orders or sales orders. The great thing about this is that both of these are very similar in how they function, look, act, etc.

One of the key things to understand when bringing in, for example, purchase orders is the Quantity tab and the data that lives there.

The easiest peice about this is the actual Quantity or Purchase Quantity. The thing to keep in mind here when mapping and filling this field with data, is that in reality it's two fields: QtyOrdered, PurchQty
This is a key peice of data that you must first fill to build everything in the Quantity tab from.

The next field that needs to be explained and understood is the Deliver Remainder field on the Qty tab. This field specifys how much of the purchase qty is left to be delivered to the specified delivery address. As long as there is data in this field then the given purchase order is still marked as Open. This field, is actually two fields in the table: RemainInventPhysical, RemainPurchPhysical

Our next field to look at is the Invoice Remainder. This field tells you how much of the purchase qty, that has been recieved, but not yet been invoiced. This field is actually one field called: RemainPurchFinancial.

The next two fields we are going to talk about is the Invoiced and Recieved fields in the tab. These fields are actual not fields in the PurchLine database, but rather are driven from Display methods off of the PurchLine Table itself. These display methods are called: Recieved = PurchLine.receivedInTotal(), Invoiced = PurchLine.invoicedInTotal().
What you need to keep in mind here is that these fields are acutally built off of the vendPackingSlipTrans table (Recieved) and the vendInvoiceTrans table (Invoiced). These tables must have values in them, as they represent actual receiving actions doen to the given purchase order line, and invoicing done. This is something that can be tricky, and must be done correctly, as if done wrong you can have incorrect data in these two tables that can cause reports to be off, etc.

A lot of people / companies at this point decide to back out of the recieved and invoiced values and then for each open PO, redo these actions from within axapta in order to make sure all reporting and values are accurate and percise to maintain data integrity.

The last field we will review, which happens to be the first field in the tab is the Recieve Now field. This field, when supplied with a value, can be used to mark a given qty for the specified line, during a packing slip update to be marked as recieved.

Now we can go further into the details of this and how each field pertains to different actions, etc. What most important to understand is this base knowledge though and from there build upon that during your use of Ax. To Re-cap below is a list of these Field names, and then there actual field name in the table. Also I have included the logic for how Ax determines the status of a given PO or SO:

1. Quantity = PurchLine.QtyOrdered, PurchLine.PurchQty
2. Deliver Remainder = PurchLine.RemainInventPhysical, PurchLine.RemainPurchPhysical
3. Invoice Remainder = PurchLine.RemainPurchFinancial
4. Invoiced = PurchLine.invoicedinTotal() [Display Method]
5. Recieved = PurchLine.recievedInTotal() [Display Method]

Status Logic:

If anything exists in the Deliver Remainder then the PO is open.
If Nothing exsists in the Deliver Remainder, and all Qty Ordered exist in the Recieved then the PO is recieved
If all qty has been recieved, and all has been invoiced, then the PO is invoiced.

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Filter by Grid in DAX 4.0

Recently I was given a challenge for a need in DAX 4.0. Basically there is a new filter type in 4.0 called "Filter by Grid".
This filter can be applied to any data grid within 4.0 by either clicking on the toolbar icon, or by pressing "Ctrl+G". Well I thought this would be simple enough, maybe even a property in the Grid, datasource, or evern form. I looked and looked, and could not find anything.

So I started to dig deeper to see if this was a method of some sort, on all of these objects, still nothing. Well after scratchin my head, wondering why such a simple (seemingly) task was bafling me.

So I turned on the code profiler, appiled the filter, and then walked through the code profiler out put. I did come across something that looked promising with the ClassFactory.QueryRunClass() method, but still could not get it to work properly. I even started to look at overriden the SysSetupFormRun class and making sure I applied the "Filter by Grid" there. That would work, if I knew for sure what made the filter appear with code.

So I did all of this in about an hours time and had to move on, but I thought it was intersted that something seeming so simple has yet to find an answer. Of course nothing is on the web about this, and so I will continue on with the challenge until I figure it out, or the person who challenged me tells me. Obviouslly he knew this was Much harder than it seemed.

Check back soon, as when I find the answer I will post it!

P.S. I say much harder, but it still may be a simple answer. I could easily have overlooked something... still strange that this would not be an easy piece of code to run that would then apply to the active grid....... any comments are of course welcome.

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

First go live of DAX 4.0

It was brought to my attention that Iteration2 was the first MS partner to have a client go live with Dynamics AX 4.0.

Check out the press release here:

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Monday, May 01, 2006


Well Mr. Steen Andreasen sent me his book "MORPHX IT" for review. I interviewed him about this book last year, and also reviewed his pre-release chapter on reports which was great.

I am sure this will turn our great, so expect my full review soon. I did glance over it, and it looks really good. The current format is eBook, and cost $40.00 from his site. (Click on the title of this entry to go right to it.)

The target group for this books is "Newbie's to the Axapta (3.0) Development enivornment." Check back soon for the full review!

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Copyright 2005-2011, J. Brandon George - All rights Reserved