New Exam - MB5-858: Managing Microsoft Dynamics Implementations
Microsoft recently posted that for a Partner to maintain their SPA, all Dynamics Partners will be required to have someone pass a new exam, the MB5-858: Managing Microsoft Dynamics Implementations.
There are not a lot of details as of yet on this exam, but it is suppose to be released on April 15th, 2010.
There is a little more information about what all is changed for the new SPA, which can be found on the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN), here.: MPN - SPA Post
As I get more information, I will make sure and post about this exam. There should be courseware coming out in March-April timeframe, from what I udnerstand as well about this new requirement.
That's all for now, check back soon!
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There are not a lot of details as of yet on this exam, but it is suppose to be released on April 15th, 2010.
There is a little more information about what all is changed for the new SPA, which can be found on the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN), here.: MPN - SPA Post
As I get more information, I will make sure and post about this exam. There should be courseware coming out in March-April timeframe, from what I udnerstand as well about this new requirement.
That's all for now, check back soon!
"Visit the Dynamics AX Community Page today!"

Labels: Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 2011, Managing Microsoft Dynamics Implementations, MB5-858, Microsoft, SPA
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