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Tuesday, June 07, 2011

(Recap of) Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 - Public Sector

I wanted to do a quick post this morning, just in case you missed all of the news last week on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 for the Public Sector.

First, I did an interview with Charlie Johnson, Global Industry Product Director – ERP - Public Sector, Microsoft. That interview can be found here.: Microsoft Highlights New ERP Public Sector Capabilities for AX 2012

Also, I created a new LinkedIn group, just for the Public Sector and Microsoft Dynamics AX, which can be found here.: Public Sector for Dynamics AX

I think it's very important to note this move by Microsoft, and this focus. This brings a whole new targeted market segment, that up until Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, could be done, but not as well, and not as much out-of-the-box support.

You will continue to see this move by Microsoft, to focus on verticals, which they will have 5 major verticals in which, all ISV, VAR's, and others work within, and a lot of times, within Micro-verticals, that exists in these industries.

That's actually the term that Microsoft calls it's five, the 5 industries, in which all Verticals live within, or cross between.

What's also powerful about Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, with this kind of focus, is the ability to mix and match different entities that might use one vertical or another, being able to achieve this, within a single instance of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This is powerful, and the real reason I'm making sure the value of last weeks focus on the public sector means. It helps show the power that Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 will bring.

That's all for now, but check back soon, and as I stated yesterday, watch for the new blog design!

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