Revisit with Version Control for AX 2012

Well I hope everyone is doing well! I admit I have been super busy, and realized that I've not posted in two weeks. I typically try and post at least 2-3 entries a week, but my recent schedule both professional and personal has kept me from this passion.
With that, I wanted to get back cranked up posting, with a revisit of sorts around the topic of Version Control for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. I wrote about this sometime back, around the options we have, located here.: AX 2012 & TFS 2010, along with other Version Control Options

In that post I cover the major options, as well as other resources around the topic of version control. This revisit, I believe is deserved for two main reasons. One, it's a topic that I still get asked about from a true options perspective. Two, there is a new release from Joris, fellow Dynamics AX MVP and blogging peer for his AX TFS Build Library v0.2.0.0.

Starting with point one, it is true that TFS is not the only valid option to use for Dynamics AX 2012 version control. As picture above, and what the above picture is meant to represent, shared development enabled with MorphX VCS is still a valid option. Typically we see this with shops that don't have the resources for a Full Time Employee (FTE) who can be dedicated to the administration of TFS.
Make no mistake about it, TFS is an investment which requires an FTE who thinks, and lives TFS for an organization. This person can also do development work, but depending on the size of the development team or teams, might have a zero time for anything else but TFS.
When thinking about the options for version control, a great resource that I previously highlights can be found here.: Version Control System [AX 2012]
That resource has a nice table that lays out the options, and value points of what each option can offer you. Going back to MorphX VCS being a valid option, this does mean there are some limits. The biggest is the fact that this only helps control version's of objects that are apart of the AOT. If you think about this, say their are outside services you create as part of your total solution. What about SSIS packages that make up your solution? These will not be apart of a MorrphX VCS instance.
Further other draw backs are how report development for AX 2012, as well as Enterprise Portal Development takes place.
There are still ways to develop for each, but what the TFS option enables is developer instances of AX for each developer. Where as the MorphX VCS enables a single shared development instance of AX 2012.
Finally on to point two, with Joris updated release of the AX TFS Build Library. You can directly download the latest release from Joris, here.: Codeplex: Dynamics AX Build Scripts. And further, his latest post on the topic.: New release of AX TFS Build Library Beta (v0.2.0.0)
Most notable in this release is Joris' focus on fixing several label related issues, allowing for Visual Studio Projects to be imported, and splitting out system classes at the end of a build cycle to help avoid stability issues.
Well that all for this post. Feels good to get back into the swing of things and writing again. Check back soon, as I will post again this week - next up a look at a specific question that came from my post on Understanding & Extending the Organization Model. Till Next Time!

Labels: AX 2012, Build Library, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 2012, Highlight, Joris, Modeling, MorphX VCS, Options, Spotlight, TFS, Version Control
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