Spotlight: AX Retail POS Development & AX 2012 Dive into .Net Assembly Deployment
I hope everyone is doing well this fine Wed morning! It's middle of the week, and there is some great things to learn about today. I wanted to direct your attention this morning to some recent great articles, about Microsoft Dynamics AX, posted by some fellow peers of mine. First, there is a new article covering AX Retial POS Development and configuration.

In this article Rahul does a great job in covering a topic, that really has not gotten a lot of technical attention within the Dynamics Community. Since AX for Retail is in full swing with many customers now using it, this is a great time to start covering real world examples of this great offering from Microsoft. There are some Prerequisite knowledge requirements for getting the most out of Rahul's article, that includes knowledge of C#, SQL Queries and X++.
Moving on, another recent article by my fellow peer and Dynamics Community Thought Leader, Joris, over at Dynamics Ax Musings, has posted a must read for anyone doing any developent work in AX 2012, and wanted to have a really good understanding of how .Net assemblies are deployed with an AX 2012 instance. His recent article, AX 2012 .NET Assembly Deployment is spot on and a needed resource.
Joris takes us through the correct understanding of where assemblies are deployed for the client and server, helping us realize the need for bin deployments, or manual GAC needs are a thing of the past. Joris takes up through the workings of the server side as well, with pointing us to the correct locations for the bin/XppIL location and VSAssemblies.
These are both great articles, and I recommend you read and bookmark both. That's guys for taking the time, and helping shape and grow our Dynamics Community. Well that's all for this morning, hope you have a great productive day, and check back soon as you know... a whole lot more to come. Till next time!

Labels: .Net, AX 2012, AX for retail, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 2009, Dynamics AX 2012, Microsoft, POS, Spotlight, VSAssemblies, XppIL
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