Report Development Basics in AX 2012 - Debug Query & Code based reports

Today, I wanted to take some time and continue this focus we have around Report Development Basics in AX 2012. This is a continued theme really, building block parts of helping understand how to Create a System of Engagement for AX 2012 customers. Today's focus is around one that I think everyone planning to do any report development, the correct way, in AX 2012 should fully understand. That is Debugging Query & Code based report objects.

First I will say that this post assume you have an understanding of the two types of AX-SSRS report development options. This is either via a Modeled Solution, aka Query Based, or Code based solution, aka Report Data Provider based. You can learn more about these concepts in the following post.: AX 2012 - AX-SSRS Report Design Concepts

Model Driven Solution Diagram
First lets start with how to debug a modeled, or query based report. The idea is that you have a query you have created, and now your not getting the data you think you should. The best way I have found, for debugging such a report data source, is via an X++ job.
The following is an example job that can be used, for doing just that.:
static void TestQuery(Args _args)
Example job used to test query results with.:
QueryRun queryRun;
Counter totalRecords;
// Table Variables:
VendTable vend;
VendCertification VendCert;
queryRun = new QueryRun(queryStr(queryVendCertInfo));
if (queryRun.prompt())
while (
vend = queryRun.get(tableNum(VendTable));
VendCert = queryRun.get(tableNum(VendCertification));
info(strFmt("Total Records : %1", totalRecords));
Now to break this down a bit. We have a QueryRun object that points to our desired query. In this case, it's one I created called queryVendCertInfo. This query references the VendTable, and further has a relation to the VendCertification table.
I'm able to execute the query, and the prompt call even brings forth the SysQueryForm for Dynamic Filters can be applied. Having this, you can now successfully test in query, as well as any query that is a bound data source for an AX-SSRS report dataset.

Code Driven Solution Diagram
Moving right along, the next area of focus for report debugging is a code driven AX-SSRS element. This is a report object, that as it's bound data source is a Report Data Provider class. There is a nice How to, posted by Microsoft you can find here.: How to: Configure the Debugger to Debug a Report Data Provider Class [AX 2012]
Let me state here that this assumes your working in the development mode, where everything is contained within a single server role. Meaning that for the developer, you have your own AOS, SSRS, SQL Server, as well as Visual Studio 2010, AX client, etc. With that assumption aside, you can then easily debug a report, that is based on a Report Data Provider class.
Since there is a nice how to, I have no need to re-hash those steps. I will say that you need to make sure that the AOS Service account is in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Debugging Users group.

After doing this, and making sure that you have an AOS configuration that enables global break points, the next steps are placing a Breakpoint; keyword in the processReport() method and then having the MorphX IDE Debugger open.

After doing this, you can then debug a code based report, either when executed from within the AX 2012 work space, or from within Visual Studio 2010. One thing that you will notice, when debugging from within VS2010 is after the preview action runs through the debug process once, it stops from running through the debug process again.
There is a process however that you can employ, that will allow you to reload the VS2010 project, and therefore allow multiple debug runs, without having to close out of VS2010 each time.

As the above screen shot suggests you need to unload the VS2010 project. In doing that, the next step would be to reload the VS2010 project that contains the AX-SSRS report elements.

With the above information you should have what you need to help debugging most AX-SSRS reporting development scenarios. That's all for this post, check back soon as more to come, including the continue Freaky Tech Friday series tomorrow! Till Next Time!

Labels: AX 2012, AX-SSRS, Code, Debug, Dynamics AX 2012, How to, Microsoft, Query, Report Data Provider, Report Development, SSRS
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