Dynamics AX - Hosting and Managed Service Provider Industry

Sunrise Technologies, Inc. has recently, just this week, released new white paper and brochure data about the exciting 'Hosting and Managed Service Provider Industry'
The link to request the new white paper, and also a recorded demo of this new vertical offering can be found at the following links.:
- Request the white paper
- Request the recorded demo
Also the direct link to the brochure can be found at the following.:
- Direct Link to the Brochure
And to look at what the full Dynamics AX solution offers, the following link from Sunrise's web site can give you nice high level details about it.:
- ERP Solution

The details found in the white paper, go over the Hosting and Managed Service Provider industry vertical offering with proven customer comments that is making use of this vertical knowledge already. It goes deep into the design, goals, and area's that most H&MSP Vertical companies are interested in and would use Dynamics AX to help manage.

I recommend taking the time, get connected with Sunrise and looking into what this offering can do for your Hosting and Managed Service Provider company or companies. Sunrise has the expertise and knowledge to give you a solution that can help give you an edge.

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Labels: Dynamics AX, ERP Solution, Hosting and Managed Service Provider Industry, Hosting Vertical, Microsoft, Sunrise, Sunrise Technologies, Vertical, Vertical Solution, Whitepaper
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