"is optimized for storing and analyzing massive data sets (like search logs and click streams) that are key to cloud-scale service architectures."
SCOPE stands for: Structure Computations Optimized for Parallel Execution
Cool name huh? So what does this future DSL have to do with Dynamics AX or Dynamics in general?
This is for sure a future thing, but think large scale cloud instances of Dynamics functional area's, and offering that to any size company. And having the ability to truly scale over the virtual servers that make up a companies instance in the sky, and you can retrieve and get to their data quickly, and easily using a technology like SCOPE. This is theroy of course until it happens, but we in the Dynamics space should really be paying attention to the cloud computing that is going on. If we are to continue to be the experts, the VAR's and the ISV's of the future that is.
I would recommend checking out her post on this. "Microsoft’s road to the cloud is paved with parallelism"

Check back soon!
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Labels: Cloud Computing, declarative scripting language, DSL, Dynamics, Future, Hybrid Cloud, Microsoft, Off Beat, SCOPE