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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

AX 2012 - Performance and IL - invokeStaticMethodIL

With the release of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, a huge focus has been around the move for X++ code to be compiled to IL, as well as creating C# code to achieve development needs, when possible.

Recently, I started talking about Performance in AX 2012, and how this goes beyond the database layer. It's still true, that the majority of performance is around the SQL Server, and specifically the disk I/O Sub-system speed.

However, with that said, there are some great improvements throughout the layers that make up AX 2012. Something recent that I highlighted was around Scale out of SSRS as well as Services.

Keeping with this theme, and to highlight some other area's of performance improvements, lets move towards the code side of things. To help set the stage, lets reference a Microsoft resource: Compile into .NET Framework CIL [AX 2012].

"The Compile into .NET Framework CIL task converts your compiled application code into Common Intermediate Language (CIL) code that can be consumed by the Microsoft .NET Framework."

With this, there are certain area's of AX that always compile down to IL / MSIL / CIL. All of those are in reference to the .Net Framework execution. This means, that the same C# code that actually executes, is compiled down to IL. The same now, takes place for some area's of X++. There are huge benefits in code execution when this is the case, and why this is such an important topic to understand from a performance point of view.

Keeping this in mind, there are sometimes when X++ code does not execute as CIL. Wouldn't it be neat, if there was a way to execute code as IL, X++ code that's not compiled down to IL? There is a way!

Enter: SysDictClass::invokeStaticMethodIL() "Runs the specified method and makes sure that the method is executed under X++ IL."

Now there are some remarks, that need to be understood from the above reference.: "This method demands the XppILExecutePermission class and asserts both the RunAsPermission class and the ExecutePermission class. The invocation will transition to X++ IL by using the RunAs function if it is running as interpreted. If it is already running as X++ IL, the method is invoked directly.

As there may be some overhead, this method should only be used on computationally-extensive methods.

This method will not transition to IL if the current TTS level is larger than zero (unless forced) because the transaction scope does not flow across IL boundaries."

With this in hand now, we have a way to help possibly boost performance, and execute static methods, and therefore area's of code that could benefit from running in the IL, or chunks of Business Logic that can be statically invoked or kicked off. This is a nice little gem of knowledge to keep handy, when your facing down performance issues, and really need to squeeze all the resource juice you can out of a process.

Well that's all for now, but check back soon as a whole lot more to come. Till next time!

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Monday, November 28, 2011

AX 2012 - Reporting on the brain!

Well, reporting is a hot topic for sure with the release of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This is something I've been covering some already, and Microsoft has a great post out today, on how to correctly Scale Out SSRS and AX 2012.

The link to the TechNet article on this topic can be found here.: How to: Configure a Report Server Scale-Out Deployment (Reporting Services Configuration)

What's another great article to point out, and this applies to scale of services in AX 2012, is the following: Configuring network load balancing for services [AX 2012]. This link then, helps not only enable scale of reporting, but also gives us firm 'Yes' services, and therefore integration points, can scale out via NLB as well.

Finally, the article that brought this together today, is from the following: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Reporting Services – Scale-out deployments

I recommend really review the above, and understanding the fact that, when it comes to certain roles in Dynamics AX, relating to performance and Scale, sometimes the role is meant to scale out, vs. scale up.

Also, here is a list of reporting blog post I have done recently:

As you can see, as the title of the post implies, reporting is for sure on the brain, for AX 2012. The idea, is to better understand the concepts, the model, the delivery options, as well now as the ability to scale out for reporting needs.

I actually, as stated earlier today, have a lot of great post that will be covering the BI story more generally, as well as specifics for AX 2012 that will build from these kinds of post. That's all for now though, check back soon!

Till next time!

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AX 2012 - Report Programming Guide / MVC

I hope everyone is doing well, and ready to get back into the swing of things. If your like me, you enjoyed the long weekend, but ready to get back to a normal schedule. This time of year is always busy, and we have so much to cover for the Dynamics Ecosystem, as well as specifics around Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

With that, I thought I would start off this week, with a focus around a tweet I saw on my way to the airport this Monday morning. I saw the following asked: "Is the new AX 2012 Reporting Development model based on MVC Design Pattern?" The short answer to this question, is Yes!.

For those that are familiar with the concepts behind MVC, or Model-View-Controller, then this is a great move in reporting. If your not that familiar with the MVC concepts, wikipedia.org has a great little stub home for this topic.: Wikipedia.org MVC Home.

"Model–view–controller (MVC) is a software architecture,[1] currently considered an architectural pattern used in software engineering. The pattern isolates "domain logic" (the application logic for the user) from the user interface (input and presentation), permitting independent development, testing and maintenance of each (separation of concerns).

Model View Controller (MVC) pattern creates applications that separate the different aspects of the application (input logic, business logic, and UI logic), while providing a loose coupling between these elements."

Now, lets get to the specifics for Dynamics AX 2012, around this concept and how this design pattern is applied for reporting. First off, the following will give you a high level understanding of how the MVC pattern maps to real concepts, and class frameworks in AX 2012, as well as a link to the recently released programming guide for AX 2012.: MSDN: Reporting Programming Guide [AX 2012].

Model: SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder
View: SrsReportDataContract
Controller: SrsReportRunController

Finally, you have the following which is a direct link to download the Report Programming Guide for AX 2012: [AX 2012] Report Programming Guide

I will be spending a lot of time around reporting, as well as the overall BI story for AX 2012. For now, this is a good start, and I thought a good way to start the week. Focused on the answer to a question, with some great resource information from Microsoft. Yes, the reporting programming modeling in AX 2012 is based around MVC.

Till next time!

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to wish everyone a safe, and wonderful, Happy Thanksgiving! No matter if you participate in this holiday or not, I hope you are blessed and get some time with your family, friends and loved ones.

I know I'm thankful for having a Loving Creator, My Wife & Kids, My extended Family, Ability to Provide for my family, a wonderful work family, as well as each of you. Thank you for being readers of my blog. I hope that you always find it to be useful, and that you continue to write and challenge me on topics.


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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Microsoft Dynamics AX In the Cloud: Today & Tomorrow

Well I hope everyone is enjoying the switch into the Holiday season. I know I'm excited to get some family time, and hope each of you will get that same time with your loved ones as well.

Today, I wanted to focus on Microsoft Dynamics AX in the Cloud: Today & Tomorrow.. This has been a topic I have focused a lot of time and effort on in the past few years, and something that really has come to a point of reality for Microsoft Dynamics AX. This is no longer just theory and what will be. This is something real, today, and something that you need to be thinking about.

With that, MSDynamicsWorld.com is hosting it's bi-annual virtual conferences, Decisions Fall 2011 in which I'm honored they have ask I speak at. For my part, and to the title of this post, I have recorded a session on Microsoft Dynamics AX in the Cloud: Today & Tomorrow. If you have not registed for this great, free! virtual conference, please visit the following site now, and make sure to attend the AX Day on Dec 5th.

You can connect with my session details at the following: MSDW: Microsoft Dynamics AX in the Cloud: Today & Tomorrow - By J. Brandon George. From the highlights:
"[Brandon George] will lead a session covering the concepts, technology, architecture and benefits of the partner-hosted Microsoft Dynamics AX cloud offering. He will also dive a little bit into the future with what AX v7.0, and what the cloud options will look like for future releases."

If you look at all the sessions for AX day, for this great event, the Cloud is a hot topic. There are two other sessions along with mine, that will focus on AX in the Cloud, as well as Microsoft Dynamics ERP and the cloud. I will recommend, that you attend as many sessions as possible. Also, I will be online during the session, and be apart of the live Chat Q&A. So please, join us, and bring your thinking caps, and ask those hard questions! Any and all are welcomed!

Alright, well that's it for right now. Check back soon, as I dive into the performance improvements for AX 2012, talk turkey around my continued focus on workflows and thier use for empowering business process modeling, and many other great topics.

Till next time!

"Visit the Dynamics AX Community Page today!"

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

AX 2012 - Install multiple instances of SSRS

One area that might rise up during implementation needs, specifically for small and mid-sized deployments of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, is the ability to install multiple instances of SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) on a single server role. The goal, with this need, is to enable the two instance of SSRS, to reside on the same server role, yet, point to different instances of AX 2012.

This is critical for enabling multiple instances of AX 2012 to function, while not increasing the need for another actual server role, virtual or not. To enable this, Microsoft has refined the steps in order to achieve this, which I've done now several times actually. The home page on TechNet for achieving this task can be found here.: TechNet: Install multiple instances of Reporting Services on the same computer (for use with Microsoft Dynamics AX) [AX 2012]

The steps for achieving this second instance, after doing the initial SSRS deployment, can be found as follows:

With this in hand, and making sure you pay special attention to the order of these steps, and follow each step correctly, you should, with relative ease, be able to install multiple instances of SSRS on the same server role, pointing to different instances of AX 2012.

I will point out, that there is a chance you could run into a possible deployment security related issues, that I wrote about in the past: AX 2012 - SSRS Security deployment issue.

Hopefully this will help someone out, who is wanting to take advantage of having multiple SSRS instances on the same windows server role, pointing to different instance of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

That's all for now, but check back soon as I continue my dive into Workflows, Performance series post, design patterns, Dynamics Ecosystem coverage, as much, much more!

Till next time!

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Friday, November 18, 2011

AX 2012 - CU2 has been released

I wanted to update everyone that Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 - CU2 has been released. You can get to the download from the following location: Cumulative Update 2 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

In this update several fixes are included, and the release schedule for AX 2012 is very impressive from Microsoft for updating issues. The new build number, after Cu2 is applied should be: 6.0.947.280.

There are a lot of fixes around workflow, financial dimensions, EP Time sheets, etc. etc. It's important that everyone update to this latest CU2, to help address any issues, and before contacting MS Support for new issues.

Keep in mind, that these Cumulative Updates, can be SlipStreamed for fast deployment. To find out exactly how to do this action, you can use the following post: AX 2012 - Slipstreaming a Cumulative update

That's all for now, check back soon as more to come! Till next time!

Update: Interesting fact here, if you have for example an AOS server that does not have the 32-bit client installed on it, you can not proceed with the CU2 update. So you must have the AX 2012 client installed before the axupdate.exe from CU2 will progress. Interesting point I thought everyone would like to know.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

AX 2012 - Security Model Design Considerations

While at AXUG Summit last week, it was clear that there are some misunderstanding surrounding the AX 2012 Security model, and it's impact on design, as well as what level of design the great new model impacts. In an article, posted by MSDW: Developers: Prepare for More Security Work When Upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 It is being portrayed, as if Developers and Technical Consultants will have some huge workload related to security and upgrades.

Before I continue, with at least how I think this should be understood and viewed, MSDynamicsWorld.com is a great resource, and does a great job at helping cover the Dynamics Ecosystem. Like all things however, healthy information, correction and debate is always needed.

With that said, I think the partner quoted, and the people leading the session on security that drove to this article being published do not fully understand the security model in AX 2012 and the vision for the design aspects, and what it brings. It's true there is a new security model, however it's a great step forward, and not some new burden, with no value gained.

I touched on some of this in a previous article, on the impact on design the new security model for AX 2012 will have. I tried to point out, that this is very much a Functional Design Consideration, and not some heavy extra burden on technical resources. What takes place now, is instead of security being an after thought, or something pushed to a later point in a project, it now has correct considerations through the functional design process.

The above is taking from the newly released Sure Step 2012, within the Design phase, part of the Design Activity Flow, 2.5.1 - "Create Gap Design in Functional Design Document". The owner of this process? The Application Consultant.

Now the Application Developer role, has their part to play in this, however, the design, implementation, and customer administration of security is a functional business process, not a technical one. There is technical needs to create new privileges, that tie into Security Entry points. Beyond that however, the Duties, Process Cycles, Roles, as well as assignment of Users to Roles is a business function.

The vision with the new security model, beyond the implementation or upgrade process, is meant even to be spread out among the business units, where those owners of the specific parts of the business actually control assignment of security for their respective area's.

Further more, to the upgrade, there is a new tool to help suggest upgrading groups from AX 2009, to AX 2012, which you can find on Microsoft's new InformationSource. This tool however, makes suggestions, and should not be the Application Developer Roles responsibility. This must reside on the shoulders of the Application Consultant, with the Developers help, and of course very much on the business unit owners for the customer. If correct design is not spent during the upgrade process, or implementation around this area, a great set of new functionality around security, and a better use and understanding of security for AX will be missed.

I will finish with this, we have a great new security model in AX 2012, that raises the bar, and the design concepts to the business level. This is the vision from Microsoft, to abstract out and raise out of the technical depths, so that businesses can be Dynamic and react fast based on demands. This is seen throughout design concepts from services, business workflow modeling, and more.

Hopefully with this understanding, and with the new Sure Step 2012 released, we can all be armed with the correct vision, approach, and design considerations to look at the new Security model in AX 2012 for what it is: Not a burden, but finally a correct level of consideration and design during upgrades or implementations.

That's all for now, but check back soon as a lot more to come. Till next time!

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Microsoft InformationSource - Powerful, Agile & Simple

Well AXUG Summit 2011 has come and gone, and a lot of information and great sessions took place. It was a great showing really by both Customers, Partners as well as Microsoft presence. There are so many great topics to cover, and I will continue to dive into each of these, as we continue to help grow our Dynamics Ecosystem together.

I would like to thank everyone for the great support for the blog, and for those that came and meet with me during the sessions and Expo. With that, and to help kick off normal postings, I wanted to highlight a great new resource that Microsoft is creating. This is called InformationSource and you can log into InformationSource using your windows live id, that you use for PartnerSource or CustomerSource.

The direct link to InformationSource can be found here: InformationSource.Dynamics.com.

This is slated to become a great new source of information, focused on: "Resources for predictable implementations." And the site, is already true to it's statement. It's broken up into three major area's: Powerful, Agile & Simple.

The powerful section from this site, goes into several key area's, around scale, efficiency & productivity. All around delivering more value, faster.

Next we have agile focused resources, for time-to-value, reduced risk and a focus on higher ROI for your implementation.

Finally there is simple, with a focus on a single solution, seamless collaboration, and easier application life cycle management.

All of this expands on the offerings, already talked about for Sure Step, as well as RapidStart Services. The goal, again as stated by this new great resource, is to have repeatable, predictable implementations. This means there is a great focus around the Partner as well as the Customer of course. I highly recommend keeping up with this site, as it moves out of beta and into more main stream use, and updates.

I would also like to highlight Joris, over at DAXMusings.blogspot.com for his great recent news update for AX 2012. He actually talks about the new InformationSource site, including highlighting some of the great new beta tools, including that of IDMF for AX 2012!

It's hard not to be excited about Microsoft Dynamics AX, and with the release of AX 2012, and all that it brings. Microsoft, and the community as a whole is expanding rapidly, and growing leaps and bounds. It's a great time to be working in the Dynamics world, and if your a customer that has chosen the path of Dynamics AX 2012, and wonderful time to reap all the benefits this true world class ERP solution can offer you.

Look for more post, and deeper dives on all kinds of topics. There is really so much to cover and talk about. All focused, around driving value for you, and your part in the Dynamics Ecosystem.

That's all for right now, but check back soon as a whole lot more to come. Till next time!

"Visit the Dynamics AX Community Page today!"

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

AX 2012 Performance Improvements

With the release of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 there have been so major strides that Microsoft has made in terms of performance. This is not just limited to the scope of, say, the Data layer. That is, this is just not limited to some of the great things Microsoft has done with taking further advantage of SQL Server 2008 / 2008 R2. No this goes well beyond the data layer, as Microsoft has really focused on how performance and scale are in improved at the Data layer, within code and services, as well at the Application layer itself, with items like improvements around MRP.

To help kick off this series of post, live from AXUG, I wanted to highlight a great video that dives into some of these improvements. This video has Microsoft's own Sri Srinivasan walking us through some of these great new concepts.:

I will be diving into these area's as a new series of post, and how these can be applied, used, affect and improve your AX 2012 investment.

That's all I have time for now, but check back soon as a whole lot more coverage to come, including some great post-AXUG Summit articles.

Till next time!

"Visit the Dynamics AX Community Page today!"

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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Sure Step 2012 has officially Launched!

Well folks, I'm live from #AXUG Summit 2011, getting ready for some great sessions, including the one' I will be leading this afternoon on SSRS and AX. There are some great events that are going to take place, including the Expo's, as well as the keynote speech that includes Microsoft's Kees Hertogh & Sri Srinivasan.

One thing I wanted to point out was the official release of Sure Step 2012. You can access this information via CustomerSource or PartnerSource from the following link: Sure Step 2012 Launch Page.

From the notes:
"Sure Step 2012 is now available with updated content and services, primarily focusing on the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 release. Updated content includes:

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Upgrade – tools and templates to support an Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 upgrade.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Implementation tools and templates including Fit/Gap analysis worksheet, estimator tool, requirements questionnaire, security configuration requirements template, and other valuable templates."

There is also an update for CRM 2011 as well with this release. Prior to this launch, Sure Step was not actually aware of the new AX 2012 upgrade process, or a lot of the other new concepts for new implementations as well. Everyone should dive in and become very familiar with Sure Step 2012. I will try and point out, over the next several weeks, some key differences between it and the last release.

It's very important to note, that Sure Step is the method for implementing Microsoft Dynamics, however it gives a foundation in which projects are shaped from. Not all documents, for example apply the same, to every single project. Like the name implies, Dynamics so projects must be that implement Microsoft Dynamics.

Well that's all for right now, I hope to see some of you out here, and if not keep in mind you can always join AXUG, and look for information about next years Summit.

Till next time!

"Visit the Dynamics AX Community Page today!"

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Sunday, November 06, 2011

Upgrading Reports for AX 2012 - Resources

I wanted to take the time today, to point to two resources on Microsoft TechNet. This is related to upgrading reports from AX 2009, to AX 2012. The very first thing that must be clear, is that No Reports will be upgraded to the new SSRS Reporting Model for AX 2012.

With that said, MorphX reports as well as ReportLibraries can still live within AX 2012. There is actually a process in which you have to execute that will take the metadata for the AX 2009 ReportLibraries and update them, so they can live and execute within an AX 2012 instance. That resource can be found here.: Report Project Upgrade [AX 2012]

Further, there is a guide: Guidance when Upgrading Reports [AX 2012].
"Reports are not upgraded automatically during the upgrade process. Microsoft Dynamics AX provides hundreds of default, out-of-the-box reports that you can deploy and customize. To upgrade MorphX reports, we recommend that you customize a default report. The default reports run on SQL Server Reporting Services. Reporting Services is a server-based reporting platform that provides comprehensive reporting functionality for a variety of data sources.

When upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, existing Reporting Services reports and reports based on the MorphX reporting framework are copied to the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012system. However, they will not be upgraded."

The reporting model, metadata, as well as data structure changes, all within AX 2012 make it impossible really, and not a lot of value, for trying to upgrade, say an MorphX report, or even a ReportingLibrary to the new report model. This is an area of an Upgrade that will need attention for sure. Doing this, also means that you can take advantage of a lot of great new reporting tools, around Microsoft Excel PowerPivot as well as the new Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 - Excel Add-in.

I will be covering this topic, in the class I'm leading next Tues at AXUG summit. I'm doing my final preps for sessions now, and looking forward to seeing everyone out there. You can follow me, as I will also be covering the event live from my twitter account: twitter.com/DynamicsERP.

That's all for now. Look for some updates while at AXUG, as well as my tweets. Also regular postings will pick back up after AXUG Summit next week.

Till Next Time! Cool Beans? ;-)

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Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Spotlight: TotalDynamics Solutions (TDS)

With the release of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 into full gear, one area of focus that is very important, when it comes to the total solution is around, what TotalDynamics Solutions, calls EBM®. This is Enterprise Business Management. This offering is split up, with the following major concepts:

This offering from TDS, mixed with the great flexibility and power of AX 2012, can help further extend and maximize your ROI from your Dynamics AX investment.

I had the chance to, virtually, sit down with Chris Rogers, and talk with him a bit about what value his company, TDS, brings to a Dynamics AX investment.


1. What value does TDS bring, with it's EBM® Tools and offerings?

A: Our business was created by former CEO’s, CFO’s and general managers, who had a common belief that Great Results Come From Disciplined Actions. Our Enterprise Business Management – EBMTM tools and approach capture that principle. Most software applications focus on creating efficiencies in terms of making it easier to perform specific job duties and tasks. Similar to what lead to the creation of ERP systems, we have taken a “business process first” approach to software development but focused it against the management of the organization versus transactional processing. When done properly, organizations achieve better visibility into their operating performance, they have accountabilities properly aligned within the organization and they improve their cross-functional coordination. Our experience has been when you combine the benefits of visibility, accountability and coordination a company can achieve competitive advantages in the market place and drive extraordinary financial results.

2. With your Planning and Forecasting offering, as part of your Finance Portal, for EBM®, can you give us some details about what makes this a great offering, and compare to other tools out in the market space? Also does this build on the AX 2012 out-of-the-box budgeting?

A: Other planning and forecasting systems usually serve a single purpose, which is to function as an aggregation tool for various data inputs needed to create the projected financial statements. As a result, these tools are generally geared only toward the Finance and Accounting functions in an organization. Since we take a “business process first” approach to our software, our web-based Planning and Forecasting tool was developed to really engage the rest of the organization in the planning/budgeting and forecasting process. This approach means that those closest to the activity do the planning and forecasting, so they become accountable for delivering the results. With other tools, Finance/Accounting typically has to perform all the inputs and too often become the only group accountable for delivering the results.

The reality is that there are multiple functions that should be accountable for the planning and forecasting processes. In other words, if Sales and Marketing are accountable for selling products/services, they should also be accountable for planning/forecasting sales volumes and/or sales dollars. And if procurement is responsible for purchasing the necessary components at the right price, then they should also be accountable to plan/forecast component prices. Therefore, we developed our web-based Planning & Forecasting tools in a way that makes it easy for users across the organization to input, track and manage their functional plans and forecasts.

For example, we have a Volume Planning Screen that allows sales volume and/or sales dollar forecasts to be built by customer by product line and/or by SKU…the way someone in Sales would typically think about their business. Having functional owners, like Sales, interact directly with the system accomplishes two important objectives:

1) It creates a layer of accountability for the Sales organization – they own the number;

2) It removes a large administrative burden from the Finance team freeing them up to do more analytical, value-added work in support of the planning and forecasting processes versus being just a data collection function.

Although AX 2012 has made good improvements in the usability of their budgeting applications, we do not believe that it has accomplished the objectives I just described.

3. For your Sales Order Entry, also part of your EBM® - Sales Portal offering, how exactly does it simplify the order entry process? What other functionality does this add that AX 2012 might be missing?

A: The web-based order entry functionality of our Sales Order Entry application is not overly enhanced when compared to AX 2012, but it is a nice improvement over other AX versions and it is very intuitive for the end-user. However, when coupled with our other web-based Sales Portal tools like Planning/Forecasting, Reporting, Order Management and Profitability, and Pricing/Trade Agreement Management, we think it creates a “one-stop shop” for field sales people. All combined, our Sales Portal’s one-stop shop approach, not only delivers more sales efficiency/effectiveness through easy to use web interfaces, it may also help lower total licensing costs.

4. Give us a few points about Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, that you and TDS are excited about.

A: First of all, we really like where Microsoft is heading with Dynamics AX. This new release of AX 2012 is going to allow them to compete at an entirely new level. We particularly like the improvements in the user interface, which we feel is important to getting faster adoption of the system. We also like the changes in price agreements, which have been simplified and are now more flexible than they ever have been.


I would like to take the time and thank Chris for sharing a little bit about what TDS can offer the Dynamics Ecosystem with it's Trademarked Enterprise Business Management offering. I would highly recommend giving them a look, to see how they might can help extend your AX investment: TotalDynamicsSolutions.com. We are very proud to have TDS as a sponsor of this blog, and believe they have a great product offering that can really help extend AX for customers.

That's all for now, till next time!

The following's is a short Bio about Chris Rogers:
Chris is President and co-founder of Total Dynamics Solutions. He is a results oriented executive with a background focused in Finance. The majority of his career has been leading varying Finance functions such as CFO for a $1 billion division for a Fortune 100 company, Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Financial Planning & Analysis and ERP implementations.

Chris' passion is working with organizations to achieve new levels of success. In his career he has achieved turn around business results by designing and implementing technology solutions that enable strategic thinking, sustainable market driven growth and sound financial management & discipline

Chris began his career with Trans World Airlines starting in Audit and eventually leading their International Marketing and Strategic/Economic Planning group. From there he joined ConAgra Foods where he spent 15 years in various Finance positions supporting Operations, Sales, Marketing, Human Resources and IT. Chris has a B.S. in Finance from Northwest Missouri State University and an M.B.A. from Creighton University.

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Copyright 2005-2011, J. Brandon George - All rights Reserved