Where does our help come from? Our hope?
My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.
I think Psalms 121:1-2 says it pretty clearly. Our help, comes from the one that made the heavens and the earth. The place you stand, or sit, or lie down. The ground below it, the air around it, the sky above it. All made by the same, who shaped the very lines on the fingertips of your hand.
Made by the same, who has the hair on your heads even numbered. The one who placed, named and knows the count of all the stars in heaven.
A recall hearing about an analyst once saying, that there are more stars in the universe, than there are grains of sand on all the earth. Now pick up a handful of sand, and just think of how many grains are in your hand.
Now read that part again: The one who placed, named and knows the count of all the stars in heaven.
That is where our help comes from. That is our rock, our faith, our love, our hope.
May you have a blessed start to the day, and may 'YHWH' / 'LORD our God' be with you. May Christ fill your heart, and your cup overflow with peace, love and faith.
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Labels: Jesus Christ, Our help, our hope, Psalms 121:1-2, YHWH