Sunrise Technologies, Named as Inner Circle and Presidents Club

Sunrise Technologies, Inc. the Microsoft Gold Certified VAR I am a part of was named to the Presidents Club for the third year in a row, and was also named as part of the Inner Circle.
Here are links to the two press releases:
Sunrise Technologies named to 2009 Microsoft Dynamics President's Club
From the Press Release:
"“Microsoft is proud to congratulate Sunrise Technologies on being named to the 2009 Microsoft Dynamics President’s Club,” said Doug Kennedy, vice president, Microsoft Dynamics Partners. “This accomplishment is a result of Sunrise Technologies demonstrating unparalleled commitment by investing in the success of Microsoft Dynamics, our customers and solutions."
Sunrise Technologies named to the 2009 Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle
From the Inner Circle Press Release:
"“We’re thrilled to acknowledge the dedication Sunrise Technologies has shown to providing an unsurpassed level of service and commitment to Microsoft Dynamics customers,” said Doug Kennedy, vice president of the Microsoft Dynamics Partners team. “As a result of its continuous dedication and contributions to the overall success of Microsoft Dynamics and companies worldwide, we’re proud to congratulate the company on being named to this year’s Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle.”"
"John Pence, President of Sunrise Technologies comments; “This award truly recognizes Sunrise as one of the elite Microsoft Dynamics partners in the U.S. and globally. This is the highest recognition possible and a real testament to the on-going success of our focused business model.”"
Way to go Sunrise, and fellow Sunrisers! A big congrats is in order, as this is a whole company effort to get these two awards, and it takes everyone. I feel honored to not just work for Sunrise, but that I am a part of Sunrise.
Well Check back soon, I have some great post coming out...
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Labels: Award, Dynamics, Dynamics AX, Inner Circle, Microsoft, President's Club, Sunrise, Sunrise Technologies
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